Wednesday, November 28, 2012

A Date With My Mom...

"Ha awak teman la Umi, rugi satu bilik tu dah bayar pun..." Ye, itu adalah kali yang kesekian kalinya, Umi ajak teman dia pegi Family Day ofis dia... =_=" Bukan taknak pegi, the next daynya my Aunt a.k.a her younger sister akan berangkat ke Mekah. Tapi, demi Umi, Ha turutkan. Gerak dari Gombak around 3.00 p.m. Highway was so smooth and by the time we arrived simpang masuk Janda Baik, cuaca masih terang. :) So, tak lah spooky sangat. Tapi yang menjadi masalahnya, balik karang. Umi has decided to balik KL on the same night, so that we can send my Auntie to Tabung Haji at 6.00 a.m the next day. Hermm~

Dah kat dalam Janda Baik tu, sepanjang perjalanan Umi akan cakap, "Kita ni dah sesat jalan, Ha.." "Tak laaaa ade depan tu." Tak pun titibe pulak rasa tak yakin & tiba-tiba tanya Umi, "Ye kot, kita dah sesat, Umi.." Tapi setiap kali masing-masing berada dalam 'kesesatan' tu, logo 'HAWA Resort, 5KM' akan kelihatan. =_=" Umi pun dah naik bosan, "Dari tadi 5KM je, Ha.." Pemanduan berhemah diteruskan, maklumlah, jalan Janda Baik ni banyak liku, tu pun ada jugak yang merempit. Cet..  Sekali sekala, Umi nyaris heart attack sebab, 'driver' suke-suke hati stop kereta, and at times I didn't stop my car pun.. sebab nak amik gamba.. Ehehehe~ Well, as I said again and again, paparazzi is my middle name.. :P Dan akhirnya sampai ke destinasi!!! Alhamdulillah~

The place is not that bad, very clean! I like :) The sound of the river, fresh air, away from the hustle and bustle of the city life. Ewah~ Sampai-sampai, harus berposing :) My mom jenuh melayan anak dia bergambar. "Umi, kejap jom pose." "Umi, jom amik gamba." "Umi, tak bergambar kat sini lagi." "Umi....."  Hahaha...Anyways, the event organizer have prepared some refreshments for tea time - bubur kacang, roti, tempeyek, etc. Nasi campur pun! =_="

I love our room! Not too big, not too small, not too spooky, just nice! Hahaa... My mom went inside the room first, while I was taking the photo of the name of our room - Gaharu. Sudah gaharu cendana pula... :P As I opened the door, my mom has given her best pose... =_=" Errrr... "Ha, amik gamba Umi, Ha..." Wow, she's easily influenced. Hahahaa...Toilet on our right, and bathroom on our left. Yeah, I like this room :) Too bad we didn't stay as we had to go back to Gombak that same night, to send my Aunt to Tabung Haji the next morning. As early as 6.30 a.m.  x_x Well, lucky am 'Alonso' wannabe :)


Nevertheless, we managed to join their 'grand' event - dinner and lucky draw. Got the opportunity to solat Maghrib berjemaah and the musolla is sooo clean.. How I determine the cleanliness?? Because I couldn't find any lizard 'poop' anywhere, be it in our room or in musolla itself. Huhuhu... Or maybe there's no lizard at that place at all? O_o Impossible!

Each family will get one table, imagine if my mom going alone? She'll be sitting alone on her own!!Luckily, I've accompanied her.........T_T Dramatic, as if she cannot mingle around. The organizer gave us some fruits for each table, so classic.. Hahaha... The lucky draw prizes was not that bad and the best part everyone, staff only,  would have the opportunity to win one. Owh, lucky them... They also celebrated birthday 'babies' from October to December, lump sum!! Hahaha.. There were five cakes to be cut... While I was busy taking some photos, suddenly, I saw my mom do some writing and I wonder, what is she doing? Owh, then I realized that she needs to give the opening speech later! I think that was the first time, or maybe second time, I saw her giving speech. Once she started to 'talk,' not so easy to get her to 'stop.' Hahaha.. Like mother, like daughter? :) Though it was raining during the day, that night, the event went well, Alhamdulillah.

Throughout the event, I've been trying to 'self-take' our photos using my android.  I think I've taken 10-15 photos. =_=" But the 'self-taken' photo was not so nice. "Senget!!"  "Tangan awak halang la, ha" "Alaa, goyanggg..." "Alaaa, gelappp!" "Cuba pose belah sini pulak...."  Grrrrrrr........ I think we've caught one of my mom's staff attention. Bet he's tired seeing  us 'pose and error' Wakakakakaka~ He came to us and said, "Puan, biar saya amikkan gambalah..." =_=" Dan inilah hasilnya.. :) Kan senang!! 

Well I guess this mini 'teambuilding' with my mom, went so well :) Alhamdulillah...

p/s: But I've made my own conclusion that I can't live next to the river, it will trigger my sinus and I've been coughing and coughing..... How to stay in UK then... :P


Khalisa Ridzuan said...

aku dh lamaaa teringin nk g janda baik ni baby kecik2 ni kang msk hutan kang lain citer nye. tgu anak besar. aku sukaa duk rumah tepi sungai.xyah byr air.hahaha.skrg pn air free kt sgor haha

mak kau kelihatan muda :D

mudd tkr la setting comment box ko pop out window.laju skit aku ngomen ha hahaha

Mudd said...

mak aku mude ye.. aicheh... tanak aku btau dia.. wei... aku tak paham comment box pop out window tu cane =_=" *bimbo*

Mudd said...

okay..faham dah pop up window tu mende, weh...