Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Dua Baris Cukup...

I LOVEEE this awesome photo by Islamic Book :) I believe everyone can read and recite Al-Quran, Insyaallah. However, to stay steadfast or 'istiqamah' in reading it is another story. Every time, I visit my Uwan in Temerloh, she will always remind us, "Baca dua baris pun jadilah, tiap-tiap kali lepas solat." Then I realize, what my Uwan was trying to say was, rather than I read 1 juz but once a month or a year, might as well I read two lines after my every solat. The reason she said two lines, so that we won't feel that reading Quran is a burden. We start with two lines, diligently, who knows, the next week we slowly increase to three lines? Insyaallah. :) Jazakallah, Uwan :) To start could be easy, yelah bersemangat, berkobar la katakan, GAMBATENEHHH....err but to istiqamah.........tetttt, dah no excuses! Yes, I can! May I have the strength. This devil aa..veryy creative in suggesting excuses to us, to me. Dush..Dush..Dush.. Whatever it is, am fixing myself. There's sooooooo many things that I need to fix, in me. I hope I would istiqamah in fixing myself to be a better Muslimah and best, to be a better Mukminah.

From my point of view, I truly believe, if I fix me and my 5 solat, me and my mom relationship, me and my Quran, Insyaallah, I will fix my life. Amin... Insyaallah!

I've read somewhere and it says goes somewhat like this, we can see great things will happen to us everyday, without you even realize it, the moment you istiqamah in reading it. Insyaallah. "Bacalah Al-Qur'an, sungguhnya Al-Qur'an itu akan datang pada hari kiamat untuk memberi syafa'at bagi org yg membacanya(HR.Muslim) :)

P/S: Never tire or become bored of good deeds... (Imam Sufyaan ath-Thawri rahimahullah)

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