Thursday, April 26, 2012

Do Remember Me, Ryan...

Oh Ryan, 
My first entry for you  "Dear Ryan Iszkandar"
Then, we celebrated your first so called 'Royal Ryan' birthday :)
My heart shattered when you admitted to Hospital for the first time :(
Bottom line Ryan, we have been through ups and downs, circles and triangles..
For that, I praise Allah for showering us with bless and love. Alhamdulillah.
I pray, May Allah protect us all. Insyaallah

So Ryan,  
I just want to say I love you unconditionally 
My arms always open when you needed a hug
Same goes to Caca and....
Your Mummy? No need! :P

And Ryan, 
I don't ask much.
Do remember my name as one day I won't be remembering my own name...
Do remember my face though one day it will be full of wrinkles...
Do remember me though one day I might not be able to recognize you anymore...
Do remember your Auntie Mudd who heart you crazy mad...

Owh, I've asked a lot already.. =_="

Ok, Ryan,
Happy Birthday, sayang..
May you be a great Mukmin, obedient son to your parents & protective brother to your sister.

By Allah's grace may our love grow stronger with each passing days.....


Mrs. PinkJamboo said...

Awwwwwwwww... The sweetest entry i've ever read. Babe, i will makesure Ryan and Tasya remembers you. I will be chasing them with a Rotan if they don't. Mmm, Ryan is gonna be a young man soon. And Insyaallah a vewy good young man.

Mudd said...

Aminnnnn...Insyaallah babe........ :) babe.. i luf u too tau... *malu-malu*