Sunday, March 28, 2010

Kenapa Saya Suka Futsal...

I've started playing futsal back in 2005. I've so called 'accidentally' joined a group of people who was regularly playing futsal every Monday without fail from 10-11 pm @ Sport Planet Ampang. Kat sekolah & uni dulu pun aktif netball je. Tak pernah being exposed to Futsal pun, it was never existed among ladies I supposed.From playing for fun, then seriously we've formed our own futsal team called Blazing Rose. Started to joined public Futsal Tournaments one of them was organized by 3R. Of course la tak menang but seriously it was fun. But my best & unforgettable moment was when I got the opportunity to play with Sheila On 7!! And to my surprise, they were very skillful player. Especially when Duta merembat, rase nak biar je la bola tu. hahaha...
What's my position in my team? Of course la goal keeper. Tengok badan la! Tapi dari zaman sekolah mase main netball pun, I was the goalkeeper. Yeah, I was meant to be a protector and defender, not just to my team but also to people around me. heheh..

Futsal with So7 & Myself with Blazing Rose

Besides Blazing Rose, I played futsal for my office. Back then, it was so difficult to gather ladies player. Therefore, I've decided to join the gents. Imagine I was the only lady to play with them. Memang la seronok tengok their skills but when it comes to kena rembat, boley berdesing telinga woo. Dah penah kena. Thank you Didi, I will remember forever!. Since am the only lady in the team, maka mereka pun mengambil kesempatan to elect me as their unofficial 'Manager' so that it would be easier for them to have a person to handle booking, money collecting, sending out emails on confirming players. Selama beberapa tahun la jugak menjadi their loyal Manager. Tapi sekarang mereka dah ade Manager lain and I no longer join their team anymore.Back to Blazing Rose, the best part when we have our own jersey, with our own name & number being printed on it. Walaupun main tak seberapa, tapi janji baju lawa. hehe.My futsal with Blazing Rose remain quite active until last year. Sorang dah kawin, sorang gantung boot, sorang busy, sorang study, so and so one thing leads to another and our player started to shrink. Kak Ju pun sakit otak nak arrange. Lama kelamaan, Pitch 8, 10-11pm semakin suram dan tak mendapat sambutan. Finally, there's no longer Futsal session.

That was when, I've decided, I must take the initiative to organize my own futsal. I did. I planned and arranged with my colleague after office hour, to organize futsal 8-9 pm. First attempt, not so bad, I guess those girls been longing to play futsal. We played in U-One, next to Summit USJ. However, lama-lama participation semakin merosot. Susah betul nak buat aktiviti ngn career lady ni. Tetapi one fine night, since U-One pitch dah full house, ditakdirkan untuk bermain di HTO, another futsal center in USJ. Ditakdirkan jugak tak cukup player padahal dah dekat nak 8.30 pm dah ni. Nak menyampaikan diri ke USJ after office hour, memang azab. Jam Nauzubillah! Dengan tanpa segan silunya I invited few girls who were watching us playing half court outside the pitch. What a coincidence, one of the girl was actually hoping that I would call them to join us. Khairin, that time when you said you've been praying, 'Tolonglah bagi goalkeeper ni pandang belakang and ajak kitaorg bermain', seriously, Allah really heard us, babe. And I named our team as "Lady Gagah." Since that day onwards, it's like our routine already. Every Wednesday night at HTO, USJ, 8-9 pm. Lama kelamaan, our group become bigger. Dengan senang hatinya mereka melantik myself as their so called 'Manager'- from booking the pitch to collecting the money as well as arranging friendly match with other team.

Lady Gagah - Tak la gagah mane pun ;p

Along the way, I met the Ice Age team and we got the opportunity to have friendly match with them. To my surprise, they've invited me to join the Futsal Tournament in Cheras. Cuak Seh! Lama dah tak main, I was their goalkeeper dan banyak jugak la bola yg terbolos. Aiyo.. Nevertheless, it was a very good experience.

Futsal with Ice Age Team

Sebab itulah saya suka Futsal! Chaiyok!

(p/s: Futsal, Futsal, Futsal...Makan Futsal, Tidur Futsal... ;p)


Khalisa Ridzuan said...

pergh tu dia bila mad sudah mula berblogging.ini yg ko buat ye di hari mgu lepas kehkehkeh

Mudd said...

lisa: aku buat dalam gelap dikala earth hour.. gagaga.....erm.. berbaloi ke sumbangan aku terhadap bumi? tutup lampu tp laptop on..gagagaaa....