Friday, April 27, 2012


Today is my eldest sister's birthday. I asked her age and she said, "Beautiful number... 33." Alhamdulillah!!  Happy Birthday my dearest Teacher Nuha :) May Allah bless you and your family, Amin. Insyaallah.  I LOVE YOU SOOOOOOOOOO MUCH! We hardly meet each other, but when we manage to get together, haihhhhh... Siapa yang bercerita, siapa yang mendengor... Since we're very talkative person.. Well, am the most talkative one lah.. 8)

 p/s: Oh, kita beza 3 tahun je ye....oo 3 tahun je.....hmm.... hahahahah...

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Do Remember Me, Ryan...

Oh Ryan, 
My first entry for you  "Dear Ryan Iszkandar"
Then, we celebrated your first so called 'Royal Ryan' birthday :)
My heart shattered when you admitted to Hospital for the first time :(
Bottom line Ryan, we have been through ups and downs, circles and triangles..
For that, I praise Allah for showering us with bless and love. Alhamdulillah.
I pray, May Allah protect us all. Insyaallah

So Ryan,  
I just want to say I love you unconditionally 
My arms always open when you needed a hug
Same goes to Caca and....
Your Mummy? No need! :P

And Ryan, 
I don't ask much.
Do remember my name as one day I won't be remembering my own name...
Do remember my face though one day it will be full of wrinkles...
Do remember me though one day I might not be able to recognize you anymore...
Do remember your Auntie Mudd who heart you crazy mad...

Owh, I've asked a lot already.. =_="

Ok, Ryan,
Happy Birthday, sayang..
May you be a great Mukmin, obedient son to your parents & protective brother to your sister.

By Allah's grace may our love grow stronger with each passing days.....

Wednesday, April 25, 2012


My pledge today: 

I don't ever want to drive recklessly!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Dua Baris Cukup...

I LOVEEE this awesome photo by Islamic Book :) I believe everyone can read and recite Al-Quran, Insyaallah. However, to stay steadfast or 'istiqamah' in reading it is another story. Every time, I visit my Uwan in Temerloh, she will always remind us, "Baca dua baris pun jadilah, tiap-tiap kali lepas solat." Then I realize, what my Uwan was trying to say was, rather than I read 1 juz but once a month or a year, might as well I read two lines after my every solat. The reason she said two lines, so that we won't feel that reading Quran is a burden. We start with two lines, diligently, who knows, the next week we slowly increase to three lines? Insyaallah. :) Jazakallah, Uwan :) To start could be easy, yelah bersemangat, berkobar la katakan, GAMBATENEHHH....err but to istiqamah.........tetttt, dah no excuses! Yes, I can! May I have the strength. This devil aa..veryy creative in suggesting excuses to us, to me. Dush..Dush..Dush.. Whatever it is, am fixing myself. There's sooooooo many things that I need to fix, in me. I hope I would istiqamah in fixing myself to be a better Muslimah and best, to be a better Mukminah.

From my point of view, I truly believe, if I fix me and my 5 solat, me and my mom relationship, me and my Quran, Insyaallah, I will fix my life. Amin... Insyaallah!

I've read somewhere and it says goes somewhat like this, we can see great things will happen to us everyday, without you even realize it, the moment you istiqamah in reading it. Insyaallah. "Bacalah Al-Qur'an, sungguhnya Al-Qur'an itu akan datang pada hari kiamat untuk memberi syafa'at bagi org yg membacanya(HR.Muslim) :)

P/S: Never tire or become bored of good deeds... (Imam Sufyaan ath-Thawri rahimahullah)

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Excuse Me, Excuses.....

I have not been blogging until I feel awkward to post a new entry, parah =_=". So many things had happened yet none of it got chance to be shared. I have so many things to share but I don't even know where to start. This is a serious 'blogkage' and treatment is seriously needed. Haha.. The initial excuse for not blogging was my blog has been under attack by 'unidentified' blog, which has been spamming into my 'Reading List' and I got pissed off and wished for that bloody blog 'pooffffff', gone with the wind. Ey, and it did.... :) Then, I started to give my busy-like-Rafidah Aziz excuses. Later, I gave my 'heartache' excuses, followed by 'headache' excuses 'in-shocked' excuses dan dan dan....... you and your excuses, Mudd.... 

So, BAIKLAHHHH....kan ku kupaskan satu persatu perkara itu.. Hahahaha... 

 I love Haris, this one, NO EXCUSES :)

P/S: Excuse me, excuses, please excused yourself... dubidubidubidu...