Friday, June 25, 2010


Saya sangat bengang sekarang kerana Car Wash owner insist me to bring my car to his worker's mechanic. Pfttt. Hari tu mase saya tanya nak hantar workshop mane, tanak pulak cakap! So, I called up his worker, Jemi, yang tak ada initiative to call me up, to get the clarification. He said his mechanic can give him cheaper price. Yeke, murah? Sesungguhnya, I memanglah tersangat jahil dengan hal-hal kereta ni. *Sigh* Tapi tak apelah, nak buat macam mane. Masalah seterusnya pulak, I need somebody to teman me to Kg. Melayu Subang, get my car then drive to Jemi's mechanic somewhere nearby Zoo Negara area. Dah la sungguh bongkak ketika menjawab my phone call. I expressed my concern whether my car can arrive his mechanic's workshop safely or not. Well being a lady, I just want to ensure I can go home in one piece and kiss Caca & Ryan! "Alaa, ape susahnya, tak bocor kan hari tu, kalau bocor tak lepas punye Kelisa awak tu sampai Subang Jaya, saya tahu hal-hal kereta ni la." Wah, wah, sesedap rase ye. If you think you're so clever, En. Tahu Hal Kereta, then why not you yourself repair my car! Seriously, perasaan blur, bengang, geram, risau, sakit hati & sedih all in one. *Sigh* My mechanic advised to lodge a police report if he refused to change the damage parts. He quoted RM 1300 for 1 piece of bonnet, 1 piece of bumper, 1 piece of grille, 2 pieces of head lamp, 1 piece of plate number & upah ketuk & spray. Tukar baru semuanya, bukan ketuk-ketuk biase tau! I did consulted a few of my guy friends, and all of them said it is quite reasonable. *Sigh* Now, am stucked. Esok macam mana nak amik kereta? 'Housemate sementara' saya tu ade training esok. I've troubled you a lot, saya mintak maaf. If nak mintak 'Housemate sebenar' tolong, macam mana nak balik malam ni ke Cheras? Takkan nak suruh fetch me here? No-no, dengan nak handle 2 kenit tu lagi. I don't want to trouble you, Babe. *Sigh* Alhamdulillah, I have lots of great and caring friends who are so concerned and understanding and willing to help me. Guess, I have to settle this problem on my own I suppose. Warghh. Di kala genting ni lah, lelaki-lelaki yang boleh diharap tak available! Nabil, Khasyfil, Alif, Zairil.. I need you now...huaaaaaa.....Chaiyok Mudd! Tomorrow I have a mission to accomplish! Mission Possible 2! Good Luck to me!

p/s: Zairil, in case you're reading, wish you to get well soon! ;)

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