Sunday, August 8, 2010

Multi-tasking vs Scatter Brain

Miss Multi-Tasking


Originally, I was updating my next entry. While waiting for the photos to upload, I decided to make my oat drinks. As I entered my kitchen, I took the mug. Then I realized, I've yet to throw the rubbish. So, I sent them out of the house, later I will throw it. Then, as I was about to reach for the blue rubbish plastic in the cabinet, I found that our stove is quite oily. So, I sprayed with kitchen cleaner on the stove and wipe it. Then, I realized some area on the floor is oily as well. I sprayed on the floor kitchen, alang-alang I wiped the whole kitchen floor. Done! As I washed the kain buruk, I saw two things at one time, my small tong sampah have no plastic & dry dishes yet to be arrange in the cabinet. Lisa ni balik karang sure penat, karang dia pulak susah-susah kena kemas. Fine, I clear the dry dishes dulu. SIAP! Now kena pegi 'wet area' to find plastic for small tong sampah. Then I noticed, white clothes berendam and yet to wash! My 'sprinting-to-work' shoes tak cuci lagi!! Clear the laundry first! Alamak, dark clothes jemur semalam dah kering lah. Angkat dulu and put in my room. Dem, I've yet to make my bed!! Kemas dulu!! Lari balik ke dapur, saw tong sampah stil tak de plastik!! Put the plastic first, Mudd! Dah letak. Kasut! Change them into a bigger pail & put in my bathroom. Mandi karang cucilah. As I passed by the kitchen, I saw my empty mug!!!! Wei, my original plan was to make my oat drinks laaaaa! What is dis!!! Settled with my shoes, I made my oat drinks. My handphone was ringing! Mesti Che De! I was suppose to go to gombak after this. "Awak dah kat mane?" Erk, kat umah lagi!!! OMG! Dah dah! Enough! Kekekekeke....

So, it's a scatter brain syndrome or multi-tasking? Kekekeke.. Last Friday Omar baru bising cakap I ni suka cerita lompat-lompat. Well the founder of my 'scatterness' is Zahrain Aris Bakti. My ex-collegue. And my teman se'scatteran' is Ezreen. The best part is, we're not just scattered while chatting, 5-6 topic at one time, pastu pening jawab smua sekali, tengah berborak secara live & face-to-face pun, boleh ade 4-5 topik sekali. Pastu masing-masing mengesan sendiri ;p Kalau si Acu, she did called me with this one istilah, I can't remember what... Cemerkap?

Langsung tak dapat publish my another entry, siap save dulu that entry sebab nak publish this entry dulu.. kekekeke...Siap google cari gamba bersesuaian ngn topic ni.. Aiyoyo..

p/s: So, am in which category, u olls?


ezreen said...

multi-task scatterina... nama baru bley?

Mudd said...

kah kah zack panggil i dulu.. "nancy from HR" ;p