Sunday, August 29, 2010

Iftar Part 3 - Omar's House

My generous GM, organized Majlis Berbuka Puasa at his house. Murah rezeki you sekeluarga, Mar. Amin. Besides inviting FPSO staff, he invited Tahfiz from Nilai. Muda-muda semua tahfiznya, Alhamdulillah, sejuk bumi kita dengan lahirnya para Tahfiz ni. Insyaallah. By the time we arrived, they have already started the tahlil. Just nice after the tahlil, azan berkumandang, we ate simple dishes first - Kurma, Cream Puff & Otak-otak, Kay bawak la ape lagi, sekadar pengalas perut. After solat Maghrib, then only we had the main course. Later after that we perform our Isya' followed by Tarawikh 11 Rakaat. Alhamdulillah. Lepas selesai semua ade moreh shooting session ;p Itu adalah satu kewajipan tanpa ragu-ragu. Bukan tu aje, siap main bunga api lagi ;p

Tuan Tanah ;p

Tahlil lead by one of the Al-Hafiz..

Alas perut..

Nak solat pun sempat pose ye, dah tak bley nak buat ape dah dengan kitaorang ni ;p

Wuu, seriuskan gaya pengambilan lauk ;) Focus..Focus..

Our Tahfiz ;) Kay sempat je 'mencarpub' sekaki..

Deretan pelita memang dah rase macam raye malam tu.

Dah macam kenduri kawen pun ade ;p

Tarawikh @ Garage, jarang-jarang dapat dilakukan ;)

After done with our tarawikh, I took the opportunity to go for 'tour' around Omar's house. But, I've asked her daughter's permission ya. Mana boleh main redah je. ;) And indeed, Omar's house very pleasant - a combination of traditional & modern. See for yourself..

Glory-glory Man United! Oopss, titibe segmen terjah ke bilik anak Omar ;p

Ade drum set..Haruslah bergambar! Adei, drummer berbaju kurung? Yuna pun nangis ;p

Ade teropong. Dengan ini anak bulan ramadhan masih mengambang.. ;p

Cute notice. I found it at Omar's Laundry Room. Situ pun kuredah! ;p

Unik 'bridge' that leads to his kitchen. Air kosong secawan!

Inilah dia para Tahfiz dari Nilai tu ;)

As I mentioned earlier, we had the 'Photo-shooting session', yang sakan.

Okey, our shadows also tired to pose already. Let's go home ;)

p/s: Giler straight from Thursday to Saturday buka puasa kat luar ;p


Khalisa Ridzuan said...

bestnyeee mcm raya..setting table dh mcm kenduri kawin.rugi aku tak tumpang nikah je malam tu.kakakakaka

::saya acu TEDI :: said...

oh jeless nya.neway im glad to see u super hepii there :)

Mudd said...

lisa: wakakakakakak pstu omar jadi tuan kadi???

acu: biase2 je la.. mane ade super....apepun mis makan nasi goreng kampung & ayam goreng dgn ko kat darusss.. :(

LiFe Is BeAuTifUl LyRiC said...

aikk...tgh terawih ko sempat snap gambo.. wakakakka..