Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Just My two-cents thoughts..

I came across this 'unknown' forum yesterday. Sadly, it was about Malaysian-Indonesian issues. Seperti all of you sedia maklum tentang kehangatan issue ini. I felt so sad while reading all of their comments. Mengutuk each other janganlah cakap, all about hatred and anger. Yes, am a Malaysian but I'm not on anyone's side, in that forum. I support world peace. Wah, macam Miss Universe typical saying pulak ;p. On serious note, I believe that this issues is never ending. Believe me, we need each other, sooner or later. Be it sektor perhubungan, perdagangan, pekerjaaan, etc or even support - morale, financially & emotionally. Who among us can tell what will happen in future? Wallahua'lam. I realy thankful berada di bumi Malaysia yang masih aman. Walaupun isu perkauman ada, tapi, Alhamdulillah! But, this small small issues may lead to another issues. Ya, sesetengah rakyat Malaysia tu memang bersalah, with regards to penderaan pembantu rumah issues. Memang kejam! Tapi janganlah disalahkan as a whole - MALAYSIAN. Most of us against violence. Islam pun tak pernah mengajar kita keganasan. Isu keganasan ni memang sensitive, but I'm putting it in 'that' particular perspective. I told my colleagues on our way back from office yesterday. We were heading to LRT, we've bumped into many Indonesian and they were walking without any worries. Macamlah kitaorang nak halau mereka balik ke negara mereka, like what they did to our fellow Malaysian before. Tak terlintas pun to have such intentions. I have a few Indonesian friends, I've been to Indonesia before, all of them treated us very well. Therefore, not all Indonesian memusuhi Malaysia, am refering to the forum comment, on Indonesian against Malaysian. We're not ma'sum, masing-masing melakukan kesilapan. I remembered this one surah yang bermaksud "Allah mengilhamkan sukma kefasikan dan ketakwaan, beruntunglah bagi yang mensyukurinya, merugilah bagi yang mengotorinya. Sadakallahula'zim." So, we have option to choose here, to join 'them' to hate each other or otherwise. I choose to have different thoughts and perspective. Janganlah mengapi-apikan isu tersebut. Ya, memang menyakitkan hati apa yang dikatakan, but I choose to forgive them, as a Malaysian yang terguris dengan kata-mereka (In the said forum). Kita janganlah keep on saying "I will never forgive them, I will hate them forever." STOP! Ingatlah, hablumminannas (hubungan sesama manusia). Am asking here, siapa yang untung di situ? Nobody! People loves to say "Kubur masing-masing!" Remember, for us, MYSELF to be buried in the kubur, I need people to bury me. Nauzubillah, I don't want to have nobody to attend to my body when am dead. :( Am not saying that we need them for this 'matter'. Kita tak tahu apa berlaku di masa depan. But everything starts with you.... ME, myself. Am nobody, am just a typical Malaysian girl, what big impact I can do by giving this thoughts? I want things to change, and for that I must change first, and release it to the universe. Insyaallah. I pray for, keselamatan dan kesejahteraan rakyat Malaysia dan Indonesia serta umat Islam di seluruh dunia. AMIN.

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