Sunday, October 3, 2010

Movie Review: Eat Pray Love...

Last Friday, me and my colleagues went to watch a movie called Eat Pray and Love at KLCC. I never keep myself updated with any new movies, but Kak Liza managed to convince us to watch it ;) This movie is based on a true stories, novel of a writer, Elizabeth Gilbert played by Julia Roberts. For your info, the last movie that I've watched was..Eclipse.. as am not really a big fan of watching movies, am not a big fan to watch CDs at home either ;p I would only watch, selective movies actually. Well, as I've bought Kak Liza's review on this movie, I willingly to watch it, some more watching secara berjemaah will be more exciting! ;)

The Novel, looks like I need to buy one ;p

I thought the movie would be a typical inspiring journey of a woman who wants to change her life. Agak meleset. This movie teaches us to see things through our heart. The thoughts came into my mind after watching it were, it is too good to be true, Is it for real? Is charming guy still exist in today's world? Well, clearly it was based on Liz Gilbert true stories, so, of course it's true. Thank God also that she wants to share her stories ;p After watching this movie, so many things in my mind, I was making a quick reflections, things that I've gone through, I've made some comparisons, I was recalling back all of the inspiring phrases, and all of the what 'ifs', if 'onlys'...And the deep thoughts, suddenly turned myself into a silent mode, even Wina also noticed of my changes. *sigh* Am not saying that this movie kind of similar with my life, NOT really, but somehow somewhere at a few parts, it did hit me here and there, and I believe it hit the rest of audience also. Or did I watch this movie with my heart? ;p

The real Elizabeth Gilbert, which played by Julia Roberts. Click on her website. ;)

Anyways, here's my review. This movie is about a woman who has almost everything that she needs, and every woman wants - Beautiful and stunning body, Rich & Smart Husband, promising career, cool 4-wheel drive, caring friends, money to travel, etc. Then, what's the issue? Been busy looking things she needs, neglected things she wants. Eager of looking for one, she made some drastic decisions., besides the prophecy made by the Indonesian 'pawang' that she met earlier turned reality, she dumped her 8 years marriage, and the husband is still to be so deeply in love with her, having a fling with a young guy, so called her punching bag, but she still remain, unhappy. So she has decided to travel and it starts with Italy, to skip her salad and go for pizza, India, to devote and surrender herself to God, and ended at Indonesia, to find balance and completeness in her life. Coincidentally all countries starts with letter "I." :)

I concluded the "Eat" part is about how we're being grateful to God, to Allah. As He can take away the pleasure of eating anytime He wants. Therefore, we must appreciate that we have appetite, think about those who are sick who cannot eat, all children in Somalia, who suffers starvation :( Yet, Alhamdulillah, I can still enjoy my food. The fact that He gives us the pleasure, He also wants us to 'manage' it wisely. Well, there's saying on "Kita makan untuk Hidup bukan Hidup untuk Makan." The part that Liz was eating the spaghetti, really made us drooling and we were planning in our head, After this am going to eat spaghetti. ;p The "Pray" part, is where we back to basic, for Liz she chose to go for meditation in India. As a Muslim, I ultimately believe, when we're looking for an answer, the only one who knows the best, is Allah, and the best part is, He's everywhere, anywhere, not just in India. All I need to do, is to 'look' for him. But the most significance lessons that I've learned from the 'Pray' part is the part for you to forgive yourself. It may sound simple and everyone can do it, but I've just realized that I asked forgiveness from Allah, my friends, parents, but have I been forgiving myself all this while.....hmm, not sure, I can't recall. To forgive myself for things that has happened not according to what I've planned, and to forgive it with my heart, And the rest will be taken care off, everything will fall into places, as Allah will show me the way. In 'Love' part, when Liz to finally opens her heart to love and be loved again and find her true love in Bali, Indonesia, not an Indonesian but a Brazilian instead, whom I find the most charming and sweet person ever! A father to call his son 'Darling,' cried for things that a man won't ever cry for? Such person is still exist, meh?? See how God creates everything. She followed her heart and the clues that He has put in her ways and she finally finds what she wants! Haih...

Liz and the real Filipe on their wedding day, I think
Filipe in movie much better kekekeke ;)

My thoughts on that movie didn't stop and it keeps on running that night. As a result, I've watched again this movie, for the second time,the next day, huhuhuhu.. ;p I thanked my dear friend for willing to accompany me to KLCC. Ya, KLCC again! Once the movie done, there was a 'blue' carpet awaits us. See for yourself ;p

The 'Blue' carpet ;p
But, this time around I was ready and prepared, with my mobile phone in my hand, to type words, phrases and parts that I like in the movie. I guess I've annoyed my friend for disturbing her concentration while so called 'copying' and 'texting.' Here's my findings:
  1. As much as you think you've met the right guy, be it you got married to that guy, how young and loving he was, but if he's not meant for you, he is not meant for you. Which means, God has other plan for you.
  2. The most diplomatic phrase to ask for break up, I believe, with every molecule of my body, you will find the person you want - Liz
  3. Favorite Italian word : ATTRAVERSIAMO. It means to cross over ;) Our favorite word and this words been playing in our head! ;p
  4. You will fluently speaks and understand Italian and master that language, if you're willing to put your heart and commitment to learn that language. Nothing is impossible to a willing heart!
  5. Favorite italian phrase: Dolce far niente. It means the sweetness of doing nothing. Must say it with gestures!
  6. Each and everyone of us have one word to describe oneself. I think my word is ....'Laugh'? Wakakakaka...
  7. We spent our life miserable, but happy not to be apart-David. Hmm, been there, done that.
  8. Quoted from Liz, Ruined is the road to transformation-Liz
  9. At times, you thought that you have gotten over it/him, but you still miss him and that person is still haunting your mind.
  10. Stop trying, just surrender - Richard from Texas
  11. Time for yourself, myself - I've realized that in every relationships (be it a fling, or a crush or a serious relationship, or not-confirmed relationship) that I had, throughout these years, is like passing a baton, no space for me to stop and think and do reflections or give time to myself, for once, to think about myself.. hmm..
  12. If you've yet to get over a person - Fine, okay to still Love him or miss him. Just send him love and light but then, drop it!
  13. To believe in love again. Hmm, this is tough one for me.
  14. God wells within me as me - Liz. He's much nearer to you than your pulse.
  15. To do and see things with your gesture, mind and heart - Ketut Liyer. In this part Ketut said 'Liver' instead of heart! wakakakkaka..
So, you see, watching this movie, doesn't mean I have to follow every single thing that Liz has done. I just admired her courage in chasing what she wants. I realized that I must do things that will make me happy and I must also use my heart not only my head. Bukan kerana mata yang buta, tapi hati yang buta. Allah knows us, inside out, then, present and future. Allah gives us rezeki to EAT with pleasure, Allah promised to always be there for us, we just need to follow his guidance, to PRAY to get his blessings and he will shower us with his LOVE and barakah. Insyaallah.

p/s: Erm, anyone else going for second round, count me in! ;)


::saya acu TEDI :: said...

se lam be kutuk suami liz..r u sure shes not readin' ur BLOG???? bahhahahahahha!

Khalisa Ridzuan said...

what a good review babe!:) ko mmg betul2 digest film ni.hehe.aku pun nk tgk.ramai kata sedap.aku suka cerita yg reality mcm ni drpd fiction(wpun kr akan yawnnnnn). smlm igt nk tgk tp tgk charlie zac efron st cloud dlu.ikut giliran.tetttt ;p

Mudd said...

acu: aku private.. aku tak invite dia bace pun.....
lisa: hehe...abis berkisar dlm perut aku crita neh...laki jarang la nak suke crita camni weh... tak crita st charlie tu?? aku nak tengok gak.. heheheh..

::saya acu TEDI :: said...

hahahhhaahhhaaa..tlg la invite dia mudd..pwish..k0t dia wat n0vel lak bedasarkan blog ko ni ..gaggagaga[lama xdgr perkataan berdasarkan..hahah tibe2]

Mudd said...

aku nak buat novel 'berkisar' kehidupan ko la cu.... kekekekekek.... oke.. skrg 'berkisar' pulak.. bagus tatabahasa kami..kekekeke

LiFe Is BeAuTifUl LyRiC said...

yo..muddy..aku terasa excited nak tgok movie nih.. gone find some time this weekend..

Mudd said...

LILB- silalah tengok.... yang baik diambik..;)

::saya acu TEDI :: said...

rindunya moment2 nih! :)