Thursday, October 28, 2010

Hurt Morning..

M:Assalamualaikum, lama tak dengar khabar. I text you last Syawal pun tak nak reply. I text "I Miss You" this morning oso you never reply. Jawab phone pun lambat. I thought you don't want to answer my call just now.
MH: Sorry la, been busy. So, how's life?
M: Alhamdulillah, everything's okay so far. Tempat keje baru pun Alhamdulillah..

(The conversation continued for 10 minutes)

M: Okeylah, ade rezeki lebih nanti, I will come down and visit you. The last time I met you was last year if am not mistaken.
MH:Tak payahlah.
M: (Flabbergasted) Kenapa pulak?
MH: I've changed. Time has changed me. You don't expect me to be the same person before.
M: Well, I believe one same thing for sure that my name still bintikan your name!
MH: Yes, that's for sure. But just face the fact, am not like before, so just forget it. If ade rezeki adalah.

(Quickly end conversation politely)

So guess what's next? Of course I cried.
Of course I have to call my consultant cum counselor, the double L..
For what? Angry? Sad? Frustrated? I'm not too sure.
For having a father who don't want to be one?
He said many things that hurt me a lot, of course I didn't put our whole conversation. For what..
Immediately this thought came across my head, can I omit his name from my doa'? I just pray for Umi ajelah.. Astaghfirullahala'zim. Don't say or make decisions things when your heart & mind is not stable. *sigh*

This is my fate.
This is the test that Allah has given me and my siblings.


p/s: Thank god, it didn't ruined my Tuesday..and thanks to my two Ls


Khalisa Ridzuan said...

babe..sedih strong ok..i know u are.

::saya acu TEDI :: said...

no words t0 say..if u hav no chance to meet him,at least u hav me !! Its near my homet0wn babe!*HUG*

Mudd said...

lisa: thnx babe..i am miss STRONG.. hehe..
acu: aku akan saje2 lalu dpn umah dia 48 tak masuk pun..kali ke 49, aku terus g umah ko je...

::saya acu TEDI :: said...

saya mau join lalu2 48 kali tuh..chill..chill..paul da mati dalam tenang sewaktu tidurnya(ini ulasan dr akhbar,bodo kan..mcm la tau paul tu tdo ke mati ke,pengsan ke)...apa kaitan...sila gelak sekarang!!!

Mudd said...

acuuuu bongokkkkkkk..... wakakakakakakakaakakaka... wwuu sedap tu kalau buat sotong celup tepungg....