Wednesday, January 12, 2011

The place I don't want to see You is at ICU..

*I was suppose to post this entry last night.. but I was too post je lah.. dah siap type pun... :(


Last Monday, I've received a text message from my ex-colleague about my friend Alif being admitted to ICU and has been unconscious since Wednesday. I was so shocked. I even reply my ex-colleague's text 'Alif mana pulak ni..' as I didn't expect it was 'my' Alif :( By the way, let me recap a bit, Alif was my former primary schoolmate and I did put a post about us 'shisha'ing sometime last year. I went to DEMC after Maghrib, Amir & Ezree just arrived also, and when we reached the ICU, we bumped into Alif's father at the entrance door and he said that Alif's condition is currently so weak. As I got the opportunity to enter the ICU ward, I was taken aback, startled to see Alif's condition. It was not as what I expected :( Though earlier on, one of Alif's friend showed the photo of him laying on the bed, that she took secretly, I still thought, it couldn't be that bad.. But the fact is, he was so critical :( I quickly ran out the room and went to Ezreen and Amir, and I couldn't hide my tears.. But both managed to console me.. hehe.. Cute la the way korang console me..Thanks korang...

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