Friday, November 19, 2010

Al-Kisah Honey Joy...

While we were cooking our lunch yesterday, my aunt asked me whether am okay to 'take over the oven' and help to make the 'Honey Joy.' At first, I was a bit hesitated since am going back to KL in the evening. Sempat ke siap on time? Around 3pm only I finally decided to help her. Kesian tengok muka Che De tak larat & penat memasak, buat kuih etc. I just help lah, chaiyok! Tapi, mana bahan-bahan? One thing I like at my grandma's house, when you want to make cakes or cookies or any kuih, the ingredient is always there. Be it my uncle or my auntie, they love to replenish the stocks. We started at 5.15p.m. Ready, get set, go!

I grabbed two boxes of Nestle Jumbo Size Cornflakes. Never use Kellog's, the result will be quite disappointing :) Selongkar 'gobok ajaib,' to find Honey, ground nuts & sugar. The moment I brought all of the stuff to the dining table, I saw the frozen margarine has been taken out from the freezer. Yay, TQ, Che De. Okay, semua macam ada. Tapi macam ade yang kurang. Paper cup? Cubaan menggeledah sendiri di tempat asing menemui jalan buntu. Tak jumpa pun! Pffttt... Terpaksa pakai talian hayat nih. I asked my auntie, Che De whether she knew or not. Tett.. Okey, Che De tak tau ye.. Talian hayat kedua, to ask my another auntie, Che Su. "Cuba cari dalam bilik blakang tu.." Tadi dah cari, tade... ;( She went to our store and tried to give a hand. Sah tak ade! Nasib baik tak buat lagi, kalau tak, takkan nak pour the whole thing into the tray. Takpe ade talian hayat yang last, my grandma :p Hah, baru jumpa! Kena panggil Chief Chef rupanye :p Haa, baru semangat nak buat...Nasib baik ade 3 assistant yang setia menemani..Lihatlah hasil-hasil tangan kami...

When the smell of honey+butter & sugar mixed with the cornflakes and nuts... YUMMY!

Tak main la buat sikit-sikit, skali buat sebesen okey!!

Ehem... Chef Mudd busy right now :P

Honey Joy in the making, jap lagi kta bakar!!

Farha, my little assistant :)

Loyal assistant, Fiza & Sarah

Akhirnyaa! Habis...Phewhh..

Siap sempat tukar baju and dah ready nak balik pun Fiza sempat tolong lagi :)

Nice timing, we've done it at 7.15 pm. Exactly 2 hours!

Seriously, I was super tired, tired of standing actually, but I had to pack my thing as we're leaving in one hour time. Luckily my lil brother, Aiman drove to KL. We've spent quality time chatting along the journey. I arrived KL around 12 midnight. Siap singgah McD sebab Aiman lapar :)

P/S: Babe, I bawak balik sebalang Honey Joy just for you :) Enjoy!!

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