Sunday, November 21, 2010

My Name is....

I dunno why I suddenly recalling and sort of counting how many nicknames I have since previous years. Ha ha ha.. I think the idea triggered after looking through my old photos. My goodness, I really so used to move from one place to another. Due to following my mother whom a teacher. Dulu la..banyak kali pindah randah. My nickname was named according to place I stayed, or which school I was in back then and it helped a lot especially when I bumped into my ex-classmates, when my head had trouble to figure out, who on earth is the person in front of me, wah, borak 'pum pang' macam konfem kenal la..sebenarnye tak! tett...But the moment I heard he or she called my name, ahah! at least I could figure out, he or she is from which school. Hmm, let's count. I've started moving school when I was in From 2 in SMSSAAS Shah Alam, then moved to SMK KKB until Form 3 and later to SMK Batu 16 Rawang, only for exactly a month. After that I went to SM Teknik Bukit Piatu Melaka. Phewhh.. Abis... Luckily I stayed in hostel, so I've so called stop following my mother shifting. Pergh, banyak tu sekolahku.. kekeke.....Tak habis situ, keje part time pulak, lain la pulak gelaran diberi. Dah masuk UiTM, dapat lagi nama baru.. Ade tu ikut senang mulut dia je nak panggil. Sampai la dah keje...nickname jadi bermacam...:p So behold, the list of my nickname as below...

Strictly for family members only ;p

Kat sekolah ni, kebanyakan panggil nama penuh ade dua tiga kerat je panggil... 'Diha'.. erk..I felt wierd...macam kena terus duduk bersimpuh..kekekeke

Tak tau la asal usul nye, tapi budak-budak ni sampai sekarang panggil "Madic..'

Gelaran diberi oleh my dorm mate, Apeck, dia kata 'Madihah' is too long, Whatt?? Tapi dulu ejaan dia Madt, sebab if 'Mad', you know the meaning, and if 'Mat' dah macam mamat Madt.. Bengong sungguh..Dan nama inilah paling melekat sampai sekarang :)

MED - Part Timer at Dave's Deli
Mula-mula derang gurau-gurau panggil, tapi terus melekat.. Ceh..

MAX - Part Timer at Dave's Deli
Ni la satu hal, kakak tu somehow tak bley nak pronounce 'Med' dipanggilnya Max??? Apakah.... Masalahnyer evertime dia panggil, pandai pulak kita toleh & menjawab..kekekeke...

MEPS - Part Timer at Dave's Deli
Sorang lagi kakak ni, sedap iman tak bley nak panggil nama sebenar, hambik, nama bertukar menjadi ATM card terus. Adoiyai..

MAROK - UiTM Shah Alam
Haa, nama ni bersempena nama watak crita 'Spanar Jaya,' Mat Rock. When my lecturer asked me what's my nick name, I told the whole class, just call me "Mudd, " sekali one of my unimate ni terus menyampuk, "Ini mesti.. Mat Rock!" Gamat satu kelas tu semua gelak. So, derang panggil laju-laju, langsung jadi..'Marok..'

Bila panggil 'Madi' ni, I love to spell it as 'Muddy' actually, baru ada keseimbangan, ye lah orang kata, nama yang dipanggil, membentuk peribadi. So this name, balance up my personality, tak ganas sangat, macam dulu. Ahahaha...

Adoi, sayu tengok nama jadi macam tu, hahaha.. tapi tak bley nak salahkan sang pemanggil. Anak one of my collegue, so pelat to pronounce my name correctly. Dijeritnya nama 'Maleha' ni kuat-kuat when he greeted me each time I visit my friends house. Aduss..

Satu lagi nama mangsa kadaan sorang staff yang tak boleh nak panggil nama sebenar. Even in email, where she can see my name correctly, she would still type, "Dear Mar, " Huhuhuu..

Ehehehe, ade kisah 'seram' disebalik panggilan nama ini. ehehehe...

It was given by my Mesiniaga ex-boss but he's now my current bos :) Sape lagi kalau bukan sang Omar. Dah pindah FPSO pun, dia tetap panggil Madiho once in a while...

Not everyone call me by this name actually. I was first being called 'Ma' by one Medic onboard. Mase tu siap bace email tu dua kali, ingat Medic tu salah send email, wakaka.. Later during recent training, the trainer called me the same nickname, "Ada apa-apa soalan, Cik Ma?" Tersentap. Hah, he's talking to me ke, kekekekee. Which... I kind of liking it :) Nama tu macam, comel-comel pulak perasaan yang perasan ni rase.. 8) WAKAKAKAKKAA.. I like lah.. ;p

Waah, what a list :) Well, I don't mind having lots of nicknames, the more the merrier :) So, pilih-pilih nak panggil with which name. Hahaha.. ;p

p/s: Apepun, my name is not Khan, and am not a terrorist... kekekekeke.. Erm, korang dah tengok crita tu? Slow but layan.. :)


Khalisa Ridzuan said...

i tetap panggil u Muddy or Mad.hihih

winawin said...

will vote for che' ma la...

Mudd said...

lisa.. gagaga..aku mang selesa ngn nama tu pun..lgpun..memang ramai panggil muddy & mudd babe..

wina..erm... ma...? hahaa

deasa said...

saya pilih MUDD!

Mudd said...

Haha...anticipated.. :)