Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Am still awake......

p/s: no mood to wash my toilet tiles or fold-refold my clothes or re-arrange bottles in the I used to do.....Help me......


Khalisa Ridzuan said...

aku pun ade masalah insomnia ni.,sebulan sekali mst ade punyelah.heheh..

mad ngeri aku tgk gmbr pisau cukur bntuk love tu.euww.ko jgn gatal2 nk pegang byk2 cmtu nk toreh2 pulak eh.aku toreh ko nnt ;p

Mudd said...

kah kah kahhh... babe.. kongkonon perumpaan..hati masih fragile..... dari toreh diri sendiri..baik itu.. oops.. lalalalala......

aku insomnia tak tau sejak sentiase je la datang.. lately lagi parah.. haih...

miss maddie said...

madd, ms D dah start amik sleeping pills dah tau.. i have disturbed sleeps like almost all the time since pre-natal and continue smpi post-natal too.. but i try to penatkan badan so that i sleep better.. let's go swimming la madd, i heard, that's the best 'to-sleep' remedy.. dont know how far the truth is tho..

Mudd said...

mish muddy...jom la datang our condo... hehe
fyi..there are 2 LISAs & @ MADIHAHs reading my blog tau.. gagaga... sure org confuse...