Sunday, May 30, 2010

Weekends Whereabouts - Walkathon?

Kordel's Walk of Life was on Sunday morning. Mesti ada sana pukul 6.30 a.m as per Nida's text yesterday. So, I've decided to give wakey wakey call to Nida at 5.30 a.m but she said "It's too early, belum azan Subuh pun!" So, I thought, to take like 10 minutes 'buffer' before go for shower. Suddenly, when I woke up, it was already 6.50!! Shower ke mana, towel ke mane, cari handphone lagi nak update Nida. Sigh, super duper kamkabuts! Luckily I've packed all my stuff last night. Well, not that lucky enough Mudd, you're still LATE! Serious merempit baikkk punya dari Cheras to Kelana Jaya, it was raining heavily while I was on Federal Highway and I drove like 120km/h. Ya ya, I know, cari penyakit betul la, Mudd nih! Macam-macam halangan, tak jumpe jalan masuk to the park, kena halau dengan polis traffic and I've made the turn nearby Western Digital twice, still tak jumpa mana nak park the car.Kalau merempit dapat join full walkathon takpe, ni tak sampai half pun!


Finally, I managed to park my car and dengan selambanya join the walk with other participants yang sedia ada tengah berjalan, without knowing where the 'hewl' I was at that point of time. Jalan je lah!! Biar berpeluh sikit dari tak berpeluh langsung. Dengan tak ade t-shirt rasmi & nombor, the checkpoint person pun confuse with my situation. Wakakakkakaka... Tiba-tiba tak sampai 10 minit berjalan, I saw the 'FINISH' banner. I was like, whatta...giler I've taken the short cut!! Nak tergelak pun ade, malu pun ade. Cover baik punya, terus ke tepi jalan sekejap untuk beberapa minute, updated Nida and then I sat on the bench, 'waiting' for my team. Actually, to participate in this walkathon, you need to register a group - 4 person per group with creative outfit. I think am the most creative one because am not wearing the t-shirt at all. Gagagagaa...yeah rite! A few minutes later, I could see the arrival of my team mate from afar. Sepantas kilat I dialed Nida, again. Jejak kasihan la kejap. Then, she was laughing, same goes to Molly & Naim. Haih, walkathon tak seberape, tapi goodie bag tetap redeem! Huhuhu..

Group pose-Nida, Mudd, Molly & Naim. We've registered our group as Mesiniaga United!

p/s: penat ATV tak abis lagi, ada hati nak sambung walkathon, inilah hasilnya!

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