Friday, May 14, 2010

YOU are not his ONLY one..

I couldn't believe myself that my recuperating period is almost over. I think it's so over lah. Alhamdulillah. Semoga perasaan tenang ini berkekalan. Amin. Anyways, I've finally made some reflections, deliberation and conclusion on the previous event. Having a long-distance relationship may be hazardous if he suits all criteria that I've listed below.
  1. He is lying to you on his martial status the first time you met him. Once a liar, always a liar.
  2. He is very secretive on his weekends activity. Busy with part time study, yeah right!
  3. He won't be answering his mobile during weekends. Guess you are busy with your full time lover.
  4. He will silent his mobile every time he is hanging out with you and refuse to answer his mobile when it is ringing. Want to give full attention to me, huh? BULL!
  5. He will answer his phone or reply the sms, 100 meters away from you. Herm..
  6. He will suddenly stop calling without any reason. You kept on saying you're busy. Lame excuses!
  7. He's saying to you "Bila awak kahwin nanti jangan lupa ajak, " while both of you are still together. How could you be so effing blind & deaf, Mudd!
  8. He keeps on confessing to you, "Saya ni bukan baik sangat." Don't be too optimistic next time!
  9. He will call you once in a blue moon to cheer you up and say Hi. Cheer me up or covering up? Jangan cepat melatah lepas ni, Mudd!
  10. When YOU and your close friend have bad feelings about him, please stand by to back off and end the relationship! Please trust your instinct, Mudd. Instinct is the most accurate feelings.
Ada banyak lagi findings yang tak dinyatakan di atas sebenarnyer. Tak perlu reveal semua. Might not be a very solid conclusion to say that long-distance relationship is hazardous. Not all. I guess it's fair enough to say that I have been there, done that and I always believe that in long-distance relationship, if you are not his only one, "yang dekat selalu menang" and "kalau jodoh, tak ke mana." Prominently, I must face it, he's not my jodoh, I knew it, but I chose to deny it rather than to accept it.

p/s: The trouble with love is, It can tear you up inside, Make your heart believe a lie, It's stronger than your pride, The trouble with love is, It doesn't care how fast you fall, And you can't refuse the call, See, you got no say at all - Trouble With Love by Kelly Clarkson. Trouble no more, Mudd.


Khalisa Ridzuan said...

thumbs up Mud!! aku nk pinjam tips2 kau ni dan sebarkan ke merata alam melalui blog aku.hihih

Mudd said...

kah kah kahh....sila2..fresh from my experience neh...!