Friday, May 28, 2010

Close Up with Klose

World Cup 2010 is just around the corner! Am Team German!! Though too bad Ballack won't be playing this time, but Ballack is not my concern, what's important is my Klose is ready to kick off! Biaselah, kaum-kaum hawa ni, kalau minat bola minat player dulu ;p I so called fell in love with Klose, lepas tengok a youtube video of him in a room, in the dark, kicking a ball to the light switch. He turned the light on and off using the ball that he kicked and I was like, cool la mamat ni. ;p That's why in one of my ex-facebook futsal invitation, I've represented myself as Mudd Klose.Ggagagaa, perasans!But since am a full-time keeper for my team, I admired Kahn as well juagakk. Itu yang letak Mudd Kahn jugak. Tamak! Kahn dah retired but he was a great keeper before and I did admired him.Though not as much as I admired Klose ;p Dari tadi Klose, Klose.. now come, have a closer look of him ;p I took some of his images that I like the most.

If am the keeper, memang sengaja tak tangkap la bola tu.. gagagaaa...

Kuat menjerit! Like Me! Lalalalala...

Klose scored!

Ni yang dinamakan score dengan coolnya ;)

You're the Man!

Pose berlari yang digemari..

Okay, cukup last pose and it's a wrap!! ;p

p/s: though, no high hope for German this time but am putting high hope to watch World Cup 2010 at my friend's house...Acu Messi or shall I say...Acu yang messy? ;)

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