Saturday, July 10, 2010

The Real Gift..

Seriously, all of my colleagues didn't make it any easier for me to leave. Besides the 'feast,' they've surprised me with unexpected farewell gift, which made me speechless, in tears, flabbergasted, melopong, terharu, and the list goes on. Honestly, never ever in my life, to receive this much of gifts. Alhamdulillah, I'm so blessed and grateful. However, these gifts is just the gift. Memorable ones indeed. But the real gift that I've received is the bond that I have in Mesiniaga. They're not just my colleagues, they are my true friends, my family, my shoulder to cry. All the thoughts and wishes not just in the cards, but emails from colleagues in Penang really added the heavy heart on my last day. Some made jokes, "After receiving all of these, you still want to go?" Well, if you ask me to reconsider, I might have to reconsider to return back all of these stuff. ;p I'm going to miss all of you for sure and hoped to be missed by all of you too. It's not a goodbye for good, it's just, not to see and meet each other in the office :) We shall meet elsewhere!

Kit Kat from Ezreen. Take a break, have a Kit Kat. The only difference is am taking a break from Mesiniaga, for good. Thanks Babe!

Bracelet & Brooch from my boss, Yati. So unexpected... ;(

From The Call Center Team. All picked and selected by Acu. Thank you korang.. ;'(

Meet the Doodolls, Sunny Twins - With a constant grin on his face, Sunny Twin a mind-reader who can uncover your deepest darkest secrets. Hmm, sounds familiar? ;p

Handbag!!! Totally, totally unexpected! I loike, loike!! It's from the Admin & General Team. THANK YOU!!!

Mary Kay Lotion & Scrub definitely from Farah Hani. The fact that you're on MC, and you left this gift on my table, really priceless.

Elianto's from Sugee and Liyana. OMG!!

Earing from Ida Rahayu. This is too much! ;'( Huaaa.....

My farewell cards - the wishes and words in these cards are worth more than anything!
I could not ask for more. ;'(

I may not always text you,
But our distance makes me miss you.
I may not always stay in touch,
But I care for you very much.
I may not always stop to say hi,
But I hope never to say good bye.
I may not prove to be the perfect friend,
But I hope the friendship we share,
never reaches an end….


Khalisa Ridzuan said... gle mad..apa kata ko masuk balik MSb hahahahha.handbag charles n keith tuuuuu.dh la aku dok rambling away dlm blog nk handbag alih2 ko dpt.kakakaka.mary kay too!!! huwaaa best gileee.dasat weyyy ;p

Mudd said...

tu la babe.... aku pn terharu gilerr... haih masuk balik?? mau kena kerat2 beg tu pulang balik kat derang.. babe..aku rase dah bley jadik barang hantaran pn ade gak hadiah aku ni..