Thursday, April 8, 2010

Okay Issues

I’m okay. I think am okay. It is okay to think that am okay though am not okay. People might think that I’m not okay but am actually okay. I can pretend that am okay but my heart not okay. But when my heart is not okay I cannot pretend to be okay. Though it is okay to fake that am okay, but I can never fake that my heart is okay when it is not okay. Keep on saying that I’m okay will not make my heart okay. People would ask me “Are you okay?” I can always reply “I’m okay.” People cannot see the fact whether am okay or not okay. “Is it okay if we just be friend?” he said. What choice I would say, of course “Okay.” When I say I am not okay. You’re friend would reply, “But you look okay.” You might be okay now, not okay later. Or not okay now, not okay later. I just want to say okay, so that people stop worrying whether am okay or not okay. People tend to come to you when you are okay. But people don’t feel okay to comfort you when you’re really not okay. I’m okay being single. But I am not okay being alone. Is it okay just being okay? “I don’t think am okay to help you,” she said. I said, “Never mind, it’s okay.” Sometimes, my heart is okay but my mind is not okay. At times, physically okay but heart is never okay. Keep on saying to your self “I’m okay, I will be okay, and I can be okay.” People said “But both of you look so okay together.” I also thought that both of us look okay together. But he never thinks that we’re okay to be together. Sometimes he thinks we’re okay to be together, but I think “Hell not okay, we’re together!” Okay today doesn’t mean okay tomorrow, okay tomorrow doesn’t mean okay yesterday. Now after reading these okay issues, people might think I’m not okay but actually am okay. Or maybe people would think “Oh oo, she’s really not okay!” I’m okay if people think I’m not okay. The most they would say that I might be okay one fine day. Guess it is okay to be not so okay first before you’re really okay. But what if you will never be okay from the not okay? Will okay wins over the not okay? How okay is your okay? I’m not okay but it is okay I’m okay. You say you will be okay if I am okay but why am not okay when you’re okay. You’ve taken my okay for your okay. I’ve given my okay to let you be okay. Sometimes you will permanently be okay and I might permanently not okay. Am I really okay when I say, “Okay, Fine. I’ll be okay.” It’s okay to stop being okay so that people know that I’m not okay. But how long to show to people that I’m not okay? How long I would say I okay to the fact that I am never okay? You think by thinking I’m okay will slowly switch to the not okay to okay? I think these okay issues will always be the issues whether you’re okay or not okay.

p/s: Okay, what are the actual issues here? I’m okay or I am not okay?


Khalisa Ridzuan said...

tatau nk ckp ko ok ke tak.hahah

Mudd said...

wakakakakkaaka.....aku dah hagak sgt weh..ko akan comment mcm ni.. gagagaga...=)

lyna said...

wei marokk, pd aku ko sntiase ok.....hihi...amek ati beb..padahal tttuuuutttt!!!! ko pk sndiri..wakakakakakak

Mudd said...

"Will okay wins over the not okay?"

Mudd said...

pergh.bila bace balik..rase peninggg..hahahahaa..giler..